Numero Tips


TODAY’s date is 19-11-2017
Driver/physic number 1
Conductor/destiny number. 4

People who are born under this combination are :
Sunil gavaskar 10/7/1949
Neeta ambani 1/11/1963

Try to put your Name or your child name who are born with same combination, spelling on total no 5 to make him/her more successful and top of world in life.

Lucky days* Wednesday,Sundays, fridays
Lucky numbers= 5-1-6 Neutral=7-3-2
Avoid numbers= 8-9-4

Lucky colours*All, colors except black, and dark blue color shirts and t-shirts only, trousers will do of any color.

Lucky profession :- Govt job/ contracts, ias, ips,army, hotel management, restaurant or hotel, fire related work, I.T., hardware, software, all top administration work. Etc…..

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