Astrology Articles

Basics of Astrology

What is Astrology!

Astrology is the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and social events. The study of “Astrology” is based on 9 Planets (Grahas), 27 Stars (Nakshatras) and 12 Zodiac Signs (Rashis).

9 Planets (Grahas):

Sun(Ravi), Moon(Chandra), Mars(Kuja), Mercury(Bhuda), Jupiter(Guru), Venus(Shukra), Saturn(Shani), Rahu and Ketu.

27 Stars (Nakshatras):

Starts from Ashwini, Bharani, Krithika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Arudra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Ashlesha, Magha, Pubba, Uttara, Hastha, Chitta, Swathi, Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Poorvahada, Uttarashada, Sravanam, Dhanista, Shatabisham, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra and ends with Revathi.

12 Zodiac Signs (Rashis):

Aries(Mesha), Taurus(Vrishaba), Gemini(Mithuna), Cancer(Karkataka), Leo(Simha), Virgo(Kanya), Libra(Thula), Scorpio(Vrischika), Saggittarius(Dhanus), Capricaorn(Makaram), Aquarius(Kumbha), Pisces(Meena)

Nature and Characteristics of Planets: (In Brief)

SUN: Self -respect, Executive ability, Father, Harsh behaviour, Eye diseases, Ruling the Society, Red colour, Ruby, Soul etc

MOON: Mother, Intelligence, Silver, Blood, White colour, Journey, Thoughts, Mind, Liquids, Peal, Flowers, Milk, Tuberculosis, Cold, Pregnancy, Inner Stomach, Organs, Glands, etc

MARS: Brother, Battlefield, Relatives, Non-Veg, Spices, Goldsmith, Thief, Muscular Strength, Machines, Steadiness, Sadistic, Discouraging others, Quarrelsome, Coral, Blood Red colour etc.

MERCURY: Speech, Education, Intellect, Friend, Mathematics, Business, Philosophy, Astrology, Vedam, Scholar, Green colour, Emerald, Judgement, Pilgrimage, Marketing etc.

JUPITER: Knowledge of Vedas, Master, Traditional education, Money, Gold, Fame, Banks, Law, Yellow Sapphire, Literature, Son, Charity, Research, Self –confidence, Yellow colour, etc

VENUS: Ladies, Luxurious, Vehicles, Ornaments, Lust, Amusements, Black hair, White colour, Elephant, Flowers, Bed comforts, Romance, Rich Food, Private Organs, Diamond, etc

SATURN: Longevity, Danger, Deceitful, Dirty clothes, Labour, Poverty, Iron, Agriculture, Miser, Buffalo, Saint, Oils, Til, Black colour and objectives, Sins, Cruelty, Rheumatism, Skin, etc

RAHU: Stool Diseases, Lie, Grand Father(father side), Witch love, Schedule caste, Disease of bile and Phlegm, Reverse Movement, Snakes, Sad, Roaming, Old age, Foreign travel, etc

KETU: Triangle Face, Sharp sight, Fast driving, Quick changes, Independent, Computers, Moksha Karaka, Mad behaviour, Reforms Societies, Instant Decision etc


To read birth chart, at first find out the Ascendant (Lagna), from there count it as 1st House, then 2nd House, till 12th House. (For prediction purpose consult expert Astrologer)


1st House: Body, Organs, Comforts and Discomforts, Native place, Fame, Honor, Skin, Ignorance, Theft, Healthy, Sleep, Pride, Life, Dreams, Old age, Intelligence etc.

2nd House: Speech, Money, Believing God, Nails, Maintenance, Eye, Cultured, Family, Selling and Buying, Obedience, Nose, Stable Mind, Journeys, Anger, Efforts to acquire Money etc.

3rd House: Dare, Younger brother and Sister, Ornaments, Servant Maids, Body strength, Self-duty, Good vehicle, Short Journeys, Written articles, Fickleness, Ears, War, Feet, Soldiers etc.

4th House: Education, House, Journey, Mother, Relatives, Friends, Caste, Trustworthy, Perfumes, Victory, Swetting, Land, Gardens, Maternal relatives, Handling money, etc.

5th House: Children, Good Nature, Education, Satisfying wants, Friendship, Noble thoughts, Knowledge in Music, Inherited Minister ship, Speculation, Journalism, Mind, etc.

6th House: Getting war, Wealth on account of Conflict, Begging, Enemy’s Joy, Evil deed, Insult, Untimely intake of food, Poison, Imprisonment, Diabetics, Service, Theft, Tonsils, etc

7th House: Marriage, Life Partner, Opponet, Beloved, Business, Business Partner, Loss of Wife, Victory, Break in Journey, Stupidity, Sperm, Private Parts, Conquering Enimies, Adopted Son, Foreign Country, Secret Affairs, Theft, Charity, etc

8th House: Longevity, Comfort, Property through relatives after their death, Life Insurance, Sorrow Face, Death cause, Danger, Struggle for food, Laziness, Punishment, Loss of Money, inheritance, accidents, etc

9th House: Charity, Duty, Pilgrimage, Service, Honors through Education, Holy Bath, Father’s Property, Handling Money, Long Journey, Coronation Room, Preaching Vedic Duties, etc

10th House: Business, Government Houses, Teacher, Influence in Government, Intelligence, Gazetted Status, Thighs, Teacher, Comfortable life, Rejection, Government House, etc

11th House: All types of Profits and Income, Elder Brother, Knees, Minister ship, Female Property, Profits through Father-in-law, Lucky, Success, Fond of Gems, Own Property, etc

12th House: Court Cases, Jails, Disturbance in Sleep, Investments, Mental Distress, Feet, Fear of Enemies, Clearing Debts, Imprisonment, Lack of self comfort, Foreign travel, Loss of Wife, Loss of Authority, Losses in Business, etc

--By ARO (Astro Camp)

Financial Astrology

Mundane Astrology with special emphasis on Financial or Commercial Astrology:

Mundane Astrology is a Specialized area concerned with the application of astrological knowledge and techniques to the larger groups i.e., cities, states, nations and money markets. It is particularly involved in the analysis of lunations, eclipses, synodic conjunctions and planetary cycles as they depict world wide trends affecting everyone.

Financial and economic affairs cannot escape the influence of celestial bodies. India has mothered astrology, yet the commercial astrology has not got the required attention of researchers and there is a lot of scope for research and sustained study, especially in the area of stock exchanges and stock markets which have started operating in India, quite late as compared to other developed countries of the world. Commercial astrology is therefore one of the most useful branches of astrology. This is also based on the classical principles of natal and transit astrology. Simple principles of astrology give astonishing results in commercial astrology.

The planets signify all the mundane matters. Accordingly, at times is ruled by two or more planets. In addition, the same commodity is influenced by multiple factors like signs, nakshatras and their lords. In order to derive subtle results, all these influences have to be taken into account without ignoring any of them.

The supply and demand is the basic economic phenomenon which brings ups and downs in the prices of any commodity or stock. Reasons for increase in supply or Demand can be linked to planetary configurations which in turn enable astrologers to forecast price movements. Broadly speaking, influence of Jupiter shows environment of plenty and prosperity and it could depress prices. On the other hand, Saturn’s influence causes shortage, famine like conditions and in turn appreciates the prices of all commodities under its influence. Likewise, the other malefic planets viz., Mars, Sun, Wanning Moon, afflicted Mercury, Rahu, Uranus, Neptune do bring rise in the prices during their transit over the signs of the items signified by them. The fluctuations often render contrary effects in the stock markets.


*Source: From the book of Jyothirvaidyam pg no: 215, 8th Anniversary Special Edition)

Medical Astrology

Vedic medical Science Ayurveda, the Science of life and Vedic Astrology, Science of light, are closely related branches of Vedic Science. These have been used together through the Centuries in India. Astrology is one of the 6 Vedangas and Ayurveda is Upaveda. These two can harmonize Human being with Universe. This correlation shows the relation of psychophysical and planetary reflective forces. However, the spiritual connection between the two systems brings in, by Yoga, the other spiritual Vedic Science, which is known as ‘Self-realization.

Similarly, all systems of traditional medicines of East and West countries possess, corresponding form of astrology.

Ayurveda is a precise and comprehensive tool for healing of physical and psychological factors by bringing change in life style, dietary, with special herbs which rejuvenate us. However, Ayurvedic – Astrology shows how can heal ourselves by the help of the stars, bringing the energies of cosmos into our lives, which is an art of interacting with higher cosmic powers and bring their beneficial force to our lives. We are living on earth which is an organic field possessing self regulating awareness, which every human being has to adopt for existence.

Ayurveda Astrology has broad range of treatment measures like, use of colors, gems, manthras, propitiation of deities, worship, the therapes of light and other Shanthi Prakriyas. It also have a system for the timing of diseases and study the healing capacity of constituency resistance power.

By changing our deepest thoughts, we can improve the state of our physical body and its vital energies, which are the basis of spiritual healing. Ayurveda treats simply the physical body. Astrology treats the physical body, threw Astral Body. But medical astrology should support the physical treatment of Ayurveda.

Doshas and Planets:

Tri – doshas as per Ayurvedha.

According to Ayurveda, there are three basic humorous which maintain the health. The biological forces are called DOSHAS. Any imbalance in these three humors leads to illness. They are Vaata(wind), Pitta(bile) and Kapha(phlegm).

The Astrological relations between these Doshas and planets and diseases are as below.

Sun: Pitta(bilious) temperament, general health, heart, stomach, bones, right eye. Head ache, bladness, fevers and pains, heart trouble, eye diseases, bone disorders, injuries from fall, blood circulations and leprosy.

Moon: Vaata and Kapha temperament, stability and soundness of mind, fluids in body, blood, left eye. Psychiatric problems, mental aberrations, emotional disturbances, T.B, dropsy, diarrhea, blood poisoning, fear from water and water animals, disease of Breast and flow of milk. The Moon in collaboration with Mars controls the menstrual cycle of women.

Mars: Pitta(bilious) temperament, Mars has aggressive nature, vigor and vitality. Mars mainly rules over, head and bone marrow. Mars causes accidents, injuries, surgical operations, burns, blood disorders, tissue disruptions, B.P., Injury by weapons, aggressive type of mental abbreations, fractures, miscarriges and abortions.

Mercury: Mercury has all three temperaments(Vaata, Pitta and Kapha). Mercury is concerned with intelligence, capacity of discrimination and reasoning of the person. Mercury rules over skin, throat, nose and lungs. It signifies mental aberrations, nervous break down, mental instability, mental complexes, abusive language, leucoderma. Impotence, ENT, related diseases, deafness.

Jupiter: it has Kapha temperament. It rules over liver, gall bladder, spleen, part of the pancreas, fat in the body. Jupiter can cause liver disorders, obesity, fever, fainting and diabetes. As Jupiter is a slow moving planet, the diseases caused are chronic in nature.

Venus: Venus signifies Vaata & Kapha temperaments. It rules over sexual drive in the individual. Venus also rules over face, eye sight, seminal fluid, reproductive organs, urinary system, intestine, appendix, and part of pancreas. Venus is responsible for the hormones in the body. Hence, Venus can cause diseases related to face, eye, cataract, venereal diseases, diabetics, stones in the kidneys and urinary bladder and hormonial disorders.

Saturn: This planet signifies Vaata & Kapha temperaments. As it is the slowest moving planet, the diseases caused are of chronic type. Saturn rules over, legs and feet, nerves. It signifies chronic disorders, insanity, paralysis, elephantiasis, tumors and cancers, mental disorders because of depression and melancholy and stomach troubles.

Rahu: Slowness of action, hiccups, insanity, prohibit, chronic boils and ulcers, poisoning and snakebite.

Ketu: Ketu produces all diseases signified by rahu. In addition it leads to diseases like eruptive fevers, viral diseases, intestinal parasitizes, defects of speech, surgical problems and diagnostic confusion.

Planets indicating Vaata, Pitta and Kapha:

Vaata: Saturn on its negative side of vaata gives fears of anxiety, Mercury in its positive vaata quality energy gives creativity.

Pitta: Creates angry and anxiety, on negative side of Mars & Sun, on positive side give courage and dare.

Kapha: Moon and Jupiter give good nature, grasping nature on positive side and on negative side crying easily and not liking changes.

The vaata element produces windy complaints like neurological disorders, joint pains etc. the Pitta element is concerned with heat, inflammation, fever, liver and gall bladder problems. The kapha element is concerned with most of the respiratory ailments, colds, asthma etc. each Dosha creates certain aspects of physical body and emotional factors.

Signs and Body parts:

Mesha – Head, Vrishabha –Face, Mithuna – Shoulders, Karkataka - Neck and Upper Chest & Heart, Simha – Stomach, Kanya – Umblical region(Waist & Intestines), Tula – Lower abdomen, Vrischika – Private parts(external genitalia), Dhanu – Thighs, Makara –Knees, Kumbha – Legs, Meena –Feet.

Significations of Houses(Bhavas) related to medical Astrology:

First House: Head, Body in general, Hair, Appearance, Skin, Sleep, Longevity and old age.

Second House: Face, eyes(right eye), Teeth, Tongue, Mouth, Nose, Speech and Nails.

Third House: Ears(right ear), Throat, Shoulders, Upper limbs, Wind pipe, Food pipe, Collarbone, Mental instability and Physical fitness.

Fourth House: Chest, Lungs and Blood vessels, Breast.

Fifth House: Heart, Upper abdomen, Stomach, Liver, Gall bladder, Spleen, Pancreas, Mind, Thinking and Pregnancy.

Sixth House: Small intestines, Appendix, Kidney, Wounds, General diseases, Injury, Mental agony, Madness, T.B, Tumors small pox, Peptic ulcers.

Seventh House: Large intestines, Lower urinary track, Urinary bladder, Uterus, Ovaries and Testes, Semen and Sexual union.

Eighth House: External generative parts, Loss of limbs, Chronic or Incurable disease, Accidents.

Ninth House: Hips, Thighs.

Tenth House: Knee Joints and Knee caps.

Eleventh House: Legs, Left ear & Recovery from diseases.

Twelfth House: Feet, Left eye, Disturbed sleep, Hospitalization, Crippled limbs.

Timing of Disease:

The maha dasa gives broad timing the antara dasa narrows it down, and pratyantara dasa indicates the actual precipitation of an event. When the dasa of a planet adverse to a particular lagna is in operation, it would tend to adversely affect the health of a person. If the MD, AD, and PAD lords are in any way connected tolagna lord, planets posited in trik houses, 22nd drekkona lord, 64th navamsa lord then they can give ill health to the native.

Indication for Cure or Recover:

The following factors generally indicate cure or recovery from ill health.

Strong lagna, Strong 6th lord, Favourable dasa, Favorable transit

Jupiter’s aspect: when Jupiter aspects the dasa lord in horoscope or in transit it favours recovery and good health.

Indications for sound health:

The various factors that lead to good health are as follows:

Strong lagna: Vargottama, Benefic occupation, Benefic aspect, Occupation of lagna lord, Raja yogas in the lagna

Strong lagna lord: Exalted, Vargottama, In own house, In friend’s house, Placed in Kendra or kona or 2nd house or 11th house, Associated with or aspected by benefics, Participating in the formation of Raja Yoga.

Lagna or lagna lord in subha kartari yoga, Unafflicted Moon, Malefics in 3, 6, 11 houses, Benefics in Kendras and Konas

Saturn in 8th house, Strong 8th lord, Strong Atma Karaka, 1st and 8th house in SAV (Sarva Ashtaka Varga)

Placement of Mandi in 3, 6 or 11th house is good for health, that too when it does not associate with Moon or lagna lord.

The above factors indicate sound health. The opposite combinations for the above indicate ill health.

--By ARO (Astro Camp)


The Branch of Samhithas in the Science of Astrology notifies different subject of the nature and how does it influence us mentally. While Astrology examines the influence of planets over mind, person in fast asleep, the features which were hidden in his unknown semi-consciousness are manifested through Dreams. Of course these may be either auspicious or inauspicious.

There are three states (Avastas) for us. They are Jagrath, Swapna and Sushupta states. In the first state, the person will be aware of the environment and nature. In the second state the person will be getting dreams in sleep. In the third state the person will have good sleep without any dreams. There is one more state called “Tureeam”, Samaadhi.The first three states cover the experiences of a person in the physical existence.


The causes of dreams are many and mainly depend upon the physical and mental states. The dreams may be due to the experience in the Jaagrath Avasta or due to the unfulfilled desires buried in the mind.

Bad dreams are generally seen in fever or acute pain. Dreams are induced by external objects also. Unfavorable and dirty atmosphere can cause bad dreams. At the time of sleep sweet sounds give sweet dreams. Disturbed mind can also cause bad dreams. Freud says that lust, hatred, desire, jealousy and other disturbed feelings can also bring dreams. Mr.C.G.Jung, a psychologist of the west says that Dreams are not mere embodiment of suppressed wishes and fears but they convey much more.

When man sleeps at night for rest or for the digestion of food, sense organs merge with the mind. Mental experiences without the sense objects constitute dreams. Thus Dreams are experiences of man in sleep where there is no feeling of his physical existence.

As per Charaka samhita, the dreams are of seven types.

“Dhrishtam Shrutaanubhootam cha Praardhitam kalpitam tathaa Bhaavajam doshajam chaiva swapnam saptavidham vidhuhu ”

1.Seen by eyes, 2.Heard by ears, 3.Experienced by other sense organs, 4. Desired ones, 5.Imagined by mind, 6.Indicators of good or events that are to take place & Arising out of humors , Vaata (wind), Pitha (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm)

There is a mention of bad and good dreams in Puranas and Ayurvedic literature.

Use of dreams in Ayurveda:

Dreams occur due to variance in humors Vaata, Pitha and Kapha ( wind, Bile and Phlegm). The detection of the afflicted humor can be identified by the dream a person got.

A person afflicted Vaata (Wind) dreams black colour, winds and walking on clouds.

A person afflicted by Pitha (Bile) dreams bright things like fire, gold, Sun, flames etc.

A person afflicted by Kapha dreams watery things, rivers, ocean, snowy mountains.


Dreams seen in the first part of the night will come into effect with in one year.

Dreams seen in the 2nd part of the night will fructify within six months

Dreams seen in the 3rd part of the night will fructify within 3 months

Dreams seen in 4th part of the night will fructify within 15 days

Dreams seen at dawn will fructify within 10 days


If bad dreams are seen, they should not be mentioned to anyone. The person should sleep again or take bath. Prayers to Vishnu or Shiva or Ganesha or Aditya are to be offered.

Donation of Black gram, til, iron, gold also gives good results. Chanting of Purusha Sooktam or Gayatri Mantram gives good results.

--By Dr.V N Sastry (M) 9441928955


Knowing things in advance by observing natural happenings is called Omen. Since time immemorial, by a close observation of changes in the nature and in the body the auspicious or inauspicious events are being forecasted.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Omens according to Jyothisha Prabhavam:

Auspicious and inauspicious omens are explained in the book “Dharma Sindhu” a religious treatise (written book dealing systematically).

Influence in Astrology: In Astrology the good and bad omens were discussed in detail in an elaborate manner.

Auspicious Omens:

1.A Married Women, 2.Virgin, 3.Two Brahmans, 4.Sweet music, 5.Marriage procession, 6.Auspicious materials, 7.Flowers & Fruits, 8.Bright fire, 9.Umbrella, 10.Sugarcane, 11.Rice, 12.Milk, 13.Curd, 14.Gem, 15.Silk cloth, 16.Full water pot, 17.Cow 18.Elephant, 19.Horse, 20.Flag, 21.Chaamaram, 22.Monkey, 23.Dog, 24.Deer, 25.Bangle shop, 26.Honey, 27.Pregnant lady, 28.Royal ornaments, 29.Horse cry, 30.Victory celebrations, 31.Vedic chantings, 32.Movements of ears of dogs, 33.Bell noise etc.

Inauspicious Omens:

1.Single Brahman, 2.Three Doctors, 3.Persons with untidy hair, 4.Widow, 5.Person wearing saffron cloth Wood, 6.Smoke, 7.Snake, 8.New pot, 9.Oil pot, 10.Oil makers, 11.Gold smith, 12.Barber, 13.Lame dog, 14.Beggar, 15.Nose less man, 16.Eyesore person, 17.Bald head person, 18.Mad man, 19.Blind man, 20.Physically handicapped, 21.Patient, 22.Fearful dress wearer, 23.Son of a prostitute, 24.Barren Women, 25.Monk, 26.Powder, 27.Cotton, 28.Skin, 29.Bone, 30.Passing urine, 31.Embracing, 32.Quarrel, 33.Women in periods, 34.Scratching, 35.Brushing Head with hands 36.Shivering limbs – left side for women and right side for men are treated as good indications.

One sneeze, cry, cleaning nose, farting the anus, coughing, yawning, deep sighing hearing bad news are also bad omens.

Falling Lizard, slip of an article, conflicts in the house, untimely rain, thunders, great wind, whirl wind, forgetting money, searching article not found, fall of head wear, slipping of leg, asked to take meals while going out etc. are also bad omens.

Indications of Omens belong to both body and nature:

Omen is only an indication but not a cause. That means, the materialization of an event due to Omen may or may not take place. But it is only an Indication to its nature. In the case of bad omens, when we take right steps in completing the work with utmost care, the badness can/could be overcome. So also is for good omens. Suppose if there is no chance to overcome badness, there is no other alternative except to pray God. Necessary rituals be performed as enumerated in Dharma Sindhu.

--By Dr.V N Sastry (M) 9441928955